Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Just Ask Gucci

Just Ask Gucci: Design?... then there is a Designer

 I have mentioned Professor Anthony Flew numerous times from the pulpit.  He is clearly the most influential atheist over the last 100 years.  His books and articles are still being used on the university campuses.   So how is it that this most famous atheist is no longer an atheist?  Well that what’s this book

There is No A God

is all about.  A very interesting read by this former Oxford professor who often debated and was befriended by Dr. Gary Habbermas of Liberty University.  I cannot overestimate the weightiness  of the world’s most famous atheist no longer being one, because of the evidence.  One sad note for me personally is that Dr. Flew grew up in an evangelical pastor’s home with a fine witness and education has spent his life apart from God. 

Dr. Flew, who has now passed, said that he goes where the evidence leads.   The Designer's fingerprints are all over the universe.  From the BIG to the small His handiwork is seen.  The Scriptures declare:

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalms 19:1

Yet our world tenaciously holds onto to evolution in replace of the Creator.  Of unaided apparent design, instead of beauty, design and purpose.  No where is this more demonstrated than in academic circles.  Students regularly ask me questions about Creation and Evolution.  I encourage you to check out the following for further consideration.

Google the following articles:

"Five Questions Evolutionists Would Rather Dodge" by William Dembski

"The Design Revolution: Answering the Toughest Questions About Intelligent Design" by William Dembski

"Ten Questions to Ask Your Biology Teacher About Evolution" by Jonathan Wells (also: "Inherit the Spin" and "Ten Questions to Ask Your Biology Teacher About Evolution with Evasions and Falsehoods"

"Ten Question to Ask Your Biology Teacher About Design" by William Dembski

"Top Ten Questions About Intelligent Design Theory" by the the Discovery Institute

"Design and Darwinism" Wittingshire's Bag End

"What is Intelligent Design" Wittingshire's Bag End

"Who Sees the Evidence of Design?" Wittingshire's Bag End

"Who Sees Holes in Darwinism?" Wittingshire's Bag End

"Is Intelligent Design a Christian Conspiracy?" Wittingshire's Bag End

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