Thursday, August 1, 2024

Clothe Yourselves With Jesus: by Watchman Nee

“Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.” Romans 13:14

When we go to visit people, we always think of our dress.

Now in the same way, when anyone thinks of approaching God, he knows he must be clothed with righteousness because without it he cannot meet God. For this reason, righteousness is a fundamental issue in Christian living.

Forgiveness is like taking a bath, whereas righteousness is like wearing a robe. Among men we are clothed so that we may appear before them. So, too, God clothes us with righteousness so that we may live before Him. Does God’s Word say that He will clothe us with the righteous robe of the Lord Jesus, or that He will clothe us with the Lord Jesus as our righteous robe? In point of fact, what we do read is that we are to be clothed with the Lord Jesus Himself. We are to put Him on. Thus clad, we can walk before God with boldness at all times.

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