Saturday, July 6, 2024

God's Will: "Obey!" By A. W. Tozer

1 Samuel 12:18 Then Samuel called on the Lord, and that same day the Lord sent thunder and rain. So all the people stood in awe of the Lord and of Samuel.

Independence is a strong human trait, so men and women everywhere bristle when anyone says, "You owe obedience!" In the natural sense, we do not take  kindly to the prospect of yielding obedience to anyone.
Both Old and New Testaments of the Bible make it plain that sin is disobedience to the Law of God.  Paul's picture of sinners in Ephesians concludes that the wrath of God will come upon those who are "the children of disobedience."
So, we live in a generation of men and women alienated from God, and who make a great case for individualism and "the right of self-determination."  The individual's strong statement is this: "I belong to myself.  No one has the authority to require my obedience!"
Now, if God had made us to be mere machines, we would not have the power of self-determination.  He made us in His image, to be moral creatures with the power, but not the right, to choose evil.  We have the right to be good.
We never have the right to be bad because God, the Creator, is good.  If we choose to be unholy, we are using a right that is not ours!

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