Sunday, November 22, 2020

A Royal Priesthood: by Andrew Murray

'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.' Jeremiah 33:3

As you pray for God’s great mercies to be granted, take with you these thoughts:

(1) The infinite willingness of God to bless. His very nature is a pledge of it. He delights in mercy. He waits to be gracious. His promises and the experience of His saints assure us of it.

(2) Why then is the blessing delayed? In creating man with a free will and making him a partner in the rule of the earth, God limited Himself. He made Himself dependent on what man would do. Man by his prayer would hold the measure of what God could do in blessing.

(3) Think of how God is hindered and disappointed when His children seldom pray. The weak church, the lack of the power of the Holy Spirit, is all because of the lack of prayer. How different would be the state of the church and of the world if God’s people were to unceasingly call on Him!

(4) Yet God has blessed—just up to the measure of the faith and the zeal of His people. If He has thus blessed our weak prayers, what will He do if we yield ourselves wholly to a life of intercession?

(5) This is a call to repentance and confession! Our lack of consecration has held back God’s blessing from the world. He was ready to save, but we were not willing for the sacrifice of a wholehearted devotion to Christ and His service.

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