Friday, September 27, 2024

THE CROSS... kills & gives Life: by Watchman Nee

Colossians 2:15 And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

How did the Lord Jesus put Satan to shame? By shaking off from Himself the powers of evil as He rose from the dead. Resurrection implies a realm beyond the touch of death.

Men die, animals and plants die; all living things are subject to death. There is no exception, for death has spread like a net over this entire world. It has entered into every living thing.

But here is a Man who came out of death, for death could not retain Him. The life we receive at the time of new birth is this resurrection life. This life has no relationship whatever to Satan. Always remember that his attacks on us can never exceed his attacks on our Lord at the cross. There all his efforts were exerted and all proved of no avail. He was overcome, and from that day he is the defeated foe. We give thanks to God because He has given us the victory in Christ.

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