"Much more they which receive
abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness, shall reign in life by
one, Jesus Christ." — Romans 5:17. "Reckon ye also yourselves to be
dead unto sin, but alive unto Cod in Christ Jesus."—Romans 6:11
said that Paul teaches us now that our faith in Christ as our righteousness is
to be followed by our faith in Him as our life from the dead. He asks (Romans
6:3), "Know ye not that all we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were
baptized into His death?" We were buried with Him, and raised from the
dead with Him. Just as in Adam all his children died, so all believers in
Christ actually died too in Him. "Our old man was crucified with
Him," with Him we were raised from the dead. And now we are to count
ourselves as actually "dead to sin and alive unto God."
In very deed, just as the new
life in us is an actual participation in and experience of the risen life of
Christ, so our death to sin in Christ is also an actual spiritual reality. It
is when, by the power of the Holy Ghost, we are enabled to see how really we
were one with Christ on the cross in His death, and in His resurrection, that
we shall understand that in Him sin has no power over us. We present ourselves
unto God "as alive from the dead."
Just as the old Adam lives in
the sinner, even in the believer too, who does not know of the new death in
Christ which he has died, even so the man who knows that he died in Christ and
now is alive in Him, can confidently count upon the word, "sin shall not
have dominion over you," not even for a single moment. "Reckon
yourselves indeed dead to sin, and alive to God in Christ Jesus." This is
the true life of faith.
As what our Lord said about our being in Him and having Him living His life in
us, could only come true as the full power of the Holy Spirit is experienced,
so it is here too. Paul says (Romans 8:2), "The law of the Spirit of life
in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death," of which
he had been complaining that it had kept him in captivity. And he then adds
"that the requirements of the law might be fulfilled in us who walk not
after the flesh, but after the Spirit ." Through the Spirit we enter into
the glorious liberty of the children of God.
Oh that God might open the eyes
of His children to see what the power is of Christ living in them for a life of
holiness and fruitfulness, when they reckon themselves indeed dead unto sin and
alive unto God in Christ Jesus.
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