Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Faith MUST Rest if the Adequacy of Christ: by AW Tozer

Colossians 1:16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.

SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY ARE MORE ARROGANT and bigoted than religion could ever possibly be, and still they try to brand evangelical Christians as bigots.
But I have never taken my Bible and gone into the laboratory and tried to tell the scientist how to conduct his experiments, and I would thank him if he didn’t bring his test tube into the holy place and tell me how to conduct mine!
The scientist has nothing he can tell me about Jesus Christ, our Lord. There is nothing he can add, and I do not need to appeal to him.
Studying the philosophers may clarify my thinking and may help me broaden my outlook, but it is not necessary to my salvation. I have studied Plato and the rest of them from the time I was knee-high to a rubber worker in Akron, Ohio. But I have never found that Plato added anything, finally, to what Jesus Christ has said.
You know what Jesus said: “I am the Light that lights every man. I am the Bread that feeds every man. I am the One who came from the heart of the Father, and I am the Eternal Word which was in the beginning with God, and which was and is God, and that’s who I am.”
So, we are assured in the Word that it is Jesus only and He is enough! It is not Jesus plus a lot of other religions. It is: not Jesus plus a lot of other philosophies. He is the Eternal Word, and so we must listen to Him!

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