And we all, who with unveiled faces
contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image. 2
Corinthians 3:18
The most
remarkable characteristic of a Christian is the unveiled face. Open and honest,
hiding nothing, we stand before God so that our lives may become a mirror of
his. By being filled with the Spirit, we are transformed. By standing unveiled
before him, we become his mirror. It is always easy to sense when someone has
been beholding the glory of the Lord. We can feel the Lord’s own
character, shining out from within.
golden rule for the Christian life is this unfailing concentration on God. If
God requires it, we must be willing to set aside our concerns for everything
else—work, food, clothing, shelter, everything. The busyness of modern
life tends to draw our attention away from God, darkening the mirror within.
Usually, the thing that dirties the mirror is a “good” thing, a worthy concern.
It is the good that is the enemy of the best.
Let other
things come and go as they may. Let other people criticize as they will. But
never let anything disturb the life that is hidden with Christ in God. Never be
hurried out of the relationship of abiding in him. This is the one thing that
tends to get pushed aside, and it is the one thing that shouldn’t. It is the
toughest discipline we undergo as Christians: the discipline of keeping our
focus on the glory of the Lord.
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