For unto you it is given in
the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his
sake. Philippians 1:29
In the Christian faith
there is a real sense in which the cross of Christ embraces all crosses and the
death of Christ encompasses all deaths: “If one died for all, then were all
This is in the judicial
working of God in redemption. The Christian as a member of the body of Christ is
crucified along with his divine Head. Before God every true believer is
reckoned to have died when Christ died. All subsequent experience of personal
crucifixion is based upon this identification with Christ on the cross.
But in the practical,
everyday outworking of the believer’s crucifixion his own cross is brought into
play. “Let him… take up his cross.” That is obviously not the cross of Christ.
Rather, it is the believer’s own personal cross by means of which the cross of
Christ is made effective in slaying his evil nature and setting him free from
its power.
The believer’s own cross
is one he has assumed voluntarily. Therein lies the difference between his
cross and the cross on which Roman convicts died. They went to the cross
against their will; he, because he chooses to do so. No Roman officer ever
pointed to a cross and said, “If any man will, let him!” Only Christ said that,
and by so saying He placed the whole matter in the hands of the Christian
believer. Each of us, then, should count himself dead indeed with Christ and
accept willingly whatever of self-denial, repentance, humility and humble
sacrifice that may be found in the path of obedient daily living.
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