There is
neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in
Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28
In this dispensation God is not meeting Jews as Jews, and
Gentiles as Gentiles, and a great many are making the mistake of thinking that
He is. His Word to the Jew is: "You must leave your Jewish ground, and
stand before God, not as a Jew, but as a man, and until you take that ground
God has nothing to say to you; you will not have any light whilst you persist
in coming before God on your own ground." The same has to be said to
everyone else. We have to leave our own ground in every way. As that applies in
these directions nationally, it applies in every other thing. Are you going to
answer the Lord back: But I am this or that, or something else; or, But I am
not this or that. It is not what you are, but what the Son is, that is of
account. Come on to His ground. The Lord will not meet you on the ground of
what you are, whether it be good or bad; He will meet you on the ground of the
Heavenly Man. Do you answer back, "I am so weak!" The Lord is not
going to meet you on that ground; He will meet you on the ground of His Son.
That is what the Holy Spirit means by such words as He speaks through Paul:
“ strengthened in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim. 2:1). God
hears us exclaim, "But I am so weak, Lord!" but He does not pay any
heed to what we mean to indicate by that confession, which is: "Come down
on to the ground of my weakness and pick me up!" He says, "You
forsake that ground, and come on to the ground of My Son, and you will find
strength there." "I am so foolish, Lord!" The Lord says:
"You will remain foolish until you get on to the ground of My Son, Who is
made unto you wisdom."
That applies all the way along. We take our own ground before
the Lord and are surprised that the Lord does not lift us right out of our own
ground and put us into a better position, but He never does. We shall stay
there forever, if that is our attitude. The Lord’s word to us is: "Forsake
your own ground and come on to My ground. I have provided a Heavenly Man Who is
full of all that you need; now come on to that ground." It does not matter
what you are, or what you are not. There everything is adjusted and made good.
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