Shun (keep clear away from, avoid by
flight if need be) any sort of idolatry (of loving or venerating anything more
than God). 1 Corinthians 10:14
There are
many things which are not only harmless but good in themselves, which have,
nevertheless, been allowed to take the place of the Lord Himself, and good
things can therefore embody the principle of idolatry in the one in whom the
devotion is found. Touch some Christians, or Christian institutions, and let
the touch be even in relation to something more of the Lord Himself, and you
will find an uprising of jealous regard for the institution which utterly
blinds to that possibility of an extra measure of the Lord Himself. You can be
so devoted to a denomination, a missionary society, a piece of Christian work,
that there is no room for any extra measure of the Lord. The thing itself has
become the end, the object for which you live, and when the Lord wants to get
you moved on into something more of Himself, the obstacle is that good
Christian work, association, institution, tradition, connection. Yes, and that
is idolatry in principle, and we see from history how the Lord again and again
has had to smite with smashing blows things which in themselves were good, in
order to save His people unto Himself personally....
What is
He after? It is Himself which He is seeking to establish as the object of man's
life, and not the things that have relation to Himself: and I say again, you
meet something intensely fierce if you touch a thing, even though you are
touching it maybe with a view to getting people to move on with the Lord
Himself. To put that in the other way, if your appeal for moving on with the
Lord seems to people to involve their having to move away from this or that or
some other thing, then there is warfare; which shows that Satan in his eternal
campaign of idolatry, has got a footing amongst Christians in relation to
things which take the place of the Lord Himself, good things though they be in
themselves; and you find, if you are spiritually sensitive, that you are not
just encountering the established institutions, but you are encountering a
terrific spiritual force. Is that true? It is true. Had I never come up against
it, never would I have believed the terrific force there is lying behind
Christian institutions if your ministry touches them. You meet something which
turns upon you, and it is not just the thing or the people. It is something
that threatens your very life, to slay, and this in principle and essence,
beloved, is idolatry; because its ultimate effect is that even the Lord cannot
have what His heart is set upon and get His people spiritually where He wants
them, because they are so bound up with His things. They are not able to
discriminate between His things and Himself.
Dear children, keep yourselves from
idols. 1 John 5:21