When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. John 16:13
The continued neglect of the Holy Spirit by
evangelical Christians is too evident to deny and impossible to justify.
Is it not strange that so much is made of the
Holy Spirit in the New Testament and so little in Christian writings supposed
to be based upon the New Testament? One of the church fathers, in a treatise on
the Trinity written in the third century, devotes to the Holy Spirit but six
pages of a book 140 pages in length. While defending the deity of the Spirit,
he yet says twenty times as much about the Father and the Son as about the
I think it would be only fair to admit that
there is more in the New Testament about the Son than about the Spirit, but the
disproportion is surely not so great as in the writings referred to above, and
certainly the all but total neglect of the Spirit in contemporary Christianity
cannot be justified by the Scriptures. The Spirit appears in the second verse
of the first book of the Bible and in the last chapter of the last book of the
Bible, as well as hundreds of times between the first and the last.
It is not, however, the frequency of the
Spirit's mention in the Bible or in other writings that matters most, but the importance
attached to Him when He is mentioned. And there can be no doubt that there is a
huge disparity between the place given to the Spirit in the Holy Scriptures and
the place He occupies in popular evangelical Christianity. In the Scriptures
the Holy Spirit is necessary. There He works powerfully, creatively; here He is
little more than a poetic yearning or at most a benign influence. There He
moves in majesty, with all the attributes of the Godhead; here He is a mood, a
tender feeling of good will.
Everything that men do in their own strength
and by means of their own abilities is done for time alone; the quality of
eternity is not in it. Only what is done through the Eternal Spirit will abide
eternally; all else is wood, hay, stubble.