speaks on their own does so to gain personal glory, but he who seeks the glory
of the One who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him. John
You and I are going to face God sometime. We are going to come
face to face with God literally in eternity and then the question is going to
arise, has God at any point failed us? Shall we be able, on any detail, to say,
"Lord, You failed me, You were not true to Your word"? Such a
position is unthinkable, that ever any being should be able to lay a charge
like that at God's door, to have any question as to God's truth, reality, and
faithfulness. The Holy Spirit has been sent as the Spirit of truth to guide us
into all the truth, so that there shall be no shadow whatever between God and
ourselves as to His absolute faithfulness, His truth to Himself, and to all His
word. The Holy Spirit has come for that. If that is true, then the Holy Spirit
will deal with all disciples in the School of Christ to undercut everything
that is not true, that is not genuine, to make every such disciple to stand
upon a foundation which can abide before God in the day of His absolute and
utter vindication. But in order that this may be so, you and I, under the Holy
Spirit's teaching, have to be dealt with very faithfully, and have to come to
the place where we are perfectly adjustable before God, where there is all
responsiveness to the Holy Spirit, and nothing in us that resists or refuses
the Holy Spirit, but where we are perfectly open and ready for the biggest
consequence of the Holy Spirit putting His finger upon anything in our lives
needing to be dealt with and adjusted. He is here for that.
The alternative to such a work of the Holy Spirit being allowed
to be done in us is that we shall find ourselves in a false position, and it is
far, far too costly to find ourselves in a false position, even though it only
be on certain points. This is a false world we are living in, a world that is
carried on upon lies. The whole constitution of this world is a lie, and it is
in the very nature of man, though multitudes do not know it, but think they are
true. They are trying to build the world on a false foundation. The Kingdom of
God is altogether other. It is built upon Jesus Christ, the Truth.