is all, and in all.
Colossians 3:11
In the eternal counsel of God, in the
redemption on the cross, and as King on the throne in heaven and on
earth, “Christ is all.” In the salvation of sinners, in their
justification and sanctification, in the building up of Christ’s body, and in
the care for individuals, even the most sinful, “Christ is all.” Every
day and every hour, the child of God is comforted and strengthened when he
accepts, in faith, that “Christ is all.”
Perhaps you have thought, in reading these
pages, that the full salvation described here is not meant for you. You feel
too weak, too unworthy, too untrustworthy. My dear reader, if you will only
accept the Lord Jesus in childlike faith you will have a Leader and a Guide who
will supply all your needs. (See Philippians 4:19.) Believe with your whole
heart in the words of our Savior—“ Lo, I am with you alway[s]” (Matthew
28:20)—and you will experience His presence each day.
However cold and dull your feelings may be,
however sinful you are, meet the Lord Jesus in secret, and He will reveal
Himself to you. Tell Him how wretched you are, and then trust Him to help and
sustain you. Wait before Him until by faith you can rejoice in Him. Read this
book year after year, and read it with the thought, “Christ is all.” You
may have failed to remember this at times, but each day as you go into secret
prayer, let this thought be with you: “Christ is all.” Take it as
your motto to teach you to pray, to strengthen your faith, to give you the
assurance of His love and access to the Father, to make you strong for the work
of the day. “Christ is all.” Yes, Christ, your Christ, is all you
need. This will teach you to abide in His love. It will give you the assurance
that He dwells in your heart, and you may know “the love…which passeth
knowledge” (Ephesians 3:19). God be praised to all eternity! Christ, your
Christ, is your all in all!