He must hold firmly
to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage
others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it. Titus 1:9
It would be impossible to overemphasize the importance of sound
doctrine in the life of a Christian. Right thinking about all spiritual
matters is imperative if we would have right living. As men do not gather
grapes of thorns nor figs of thistles, so sound character does not grow out of
unsound teaching.
The word doctrine means simply religious beliefs held and
taught. It is the sacred task of all Christians, first as believers and
then as teachers of religious beliefs, to be certain that these beliefs
correspond exactly to truth. A precise agreement between belief and fact
constitutes soundness in doctrine. We cannot afford to have less.
The apostles not only taught truth but contended for its purity
against any who would corrupt it. The Pauline epistles resist every
effort of false teachers to introduce doctrinal vagaries. john's epistles are
sharp with condemnation of those teachers who harassed the young church by
denying the incarnation and throwing doubts upon the doctrine of the Trinity;
and Jude in his brief but powerful epistle rises to heights of burning eloquence
as he pours scorn upon evil teachers who would mislead the saints.
Each generation of Christians must look to its beliefs.
While truth itself is unchanging, the minds of men are porous vessels out of
which truth can leak and into which error may seep to dilute the truth they
contain. The human heart is heretical by nature and runs to error as
naturally as a garden to weeds. All a man, a church or a denomination
needs to guarantee deterioration of doctrine is to take everything for granted
and do nothing. The unattended garden will soon be overrun with weeds;
the heart that fails to cultivate truth and root out error will shortly be a
theological wilderness; the church or denomination that grows careless on the
highway of truth will before long find itself astray, bogged down in some mud
flat from which there is no escape.
In every field of human thought and activity accuracy is
considered a virtue. To err ever so slightly is to invite serious loss,
if not death itself. Only in religious thought is faithfulness to truth
looked upon as a fault. When men deal with things earthly and temporal
they demand truth; when they come to the consideration of things heavenly and
eternal they hedge and hesitate as if truth either could not be discovered or
didn't matter anyway.
Montaigne said that a liar is one who is brave toward God and a
coward toward men; for a liar faces God and shrinks from men. Is this not
simply a proof of unbelief? Is it not to say that the liar believes in
men but is not convinced of the existence of God, and is willing to risk the
displeasure of a God who may not exist rather than that of man who obviously
I think also that deep, basic unbelief is back of human
carelessness in religion. The scientist, the physician, the navigator
deals with matters he knows are real; and because these things are real the
world demands that both teacher and practitioner be skilled in the knowledge of
them. The teacher of spiritual things only is required to be unsure in
his beliefs, ambiguous in his remarks and tolerant of every religious opinion
expressed by anyone, even by the man least qualified to hold an opinion.
Haziness of doctrine has always been the mark of the liberal. When the
Holy Scriptures are rejected as the final authority on religious belief
something must be found to take their place. Historically that something
has been either reason or sentiment: if sentiment, it has been humanism.
Sometimes there has been an admixture of the two, as may be seen in liberal
churches today. These will not quite give up the Bible, neither will they
quite believe it; the result is an unclear body of beliefs more like a fog than
a mountain, where anything may be true but nothing may be trusted as being
certainly true.
We have gotten accustomed to the blurred puffs of gray fog that
pass for doctrine in modernistic churches and expect nothing better, but it is
a cause for real alarm that the fog has begun of late to creep into many
evangelical churches. From some previously unimpeachable sources are now
coming vague statements consisting of a milky admixture of Scripture, science
and human sentiment that is true to none of its ingredients because each one
works to cancel the others out.
Certain of our evangelical brethren appear to be laboring under
the impression that they are advanced thinkers because they are rethinking
evolution and re-evaluating various Bible doctrines or even divine inspiration
itself; but so far are they from being advanced thinkers that they are merely
timid followers of modemism-fifty years behind the parade.
Little by little evangelical Christians these days are being
brainwashed. One evidence is that increasing numbers of them are becoming
ashamed to be found unequivocally on the side of truth. They say they
believe but their beliefs have been so diluted as to be impossible of clear
Moral power has always accompanied definitive beliefs.
Great saints have always been dogmatic. We need right now a return to a
gentle dogmatism that smiles while it stands stubborn and firm on the Word of
God that liveth and abideth forever.
Do your best to
present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be
ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15